Laser Prostate Surgery (HoLEP, ThuFLEP)
Prostate enucleation surgery is the removal of the inner tissue of the prostate by “closed surgery” by stripping it from the shell of the prostate. Today, these surgical treatments are primarily recommended for benign prostatic enlargement, regardless of prostate size (including very large and small prostates).
Depending on the laser system used during the process, the name of the process changes. For example, HoLEP is the name of prostate surgery performed with holmium YAG laser, ThuLEP is performed with Thulium YAG laser and ThuFLEP is the name of prostate surgery performed with thulium fiber laser. The use of different lasers in surgeries has advantages and disadvantages compared to each other.
In general, the most important advantage of these surgeries over other systems is the use of laser systems. Therefore, there is less bleeding (can be administered without interruption of blood thinners) and it requires less hospitalization time as it provides the opportunity to stay with a catheter for a very short time. Again, since the damage of the laser to the tissue is less than that of other energy systems, these surgical treatments do not damage the nerves that pass around the prostate and provide erection, and erection problems are not observed in the penis. The probability of recurrence of prostate complaints after this operation is performed properly is also very low.
We, as Urohealth Clinic, are proud to present HoLEP, ThuLEP and ThuFLEP surgeries to you with more than 6 years of experience and more than 1000 cases. Today, we have all available laser systems in our clinic, and with our high number of patients and surgical experience, we aim to save you from the probe in less than 24 hours after surgery. It is our priority to keep the comfort of our patients at the highest level before and after the operation.
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