Urohealth Academy
The rapid technological developments in the field of urology and the changes in the surgical techniques applied in this direction require urology physicians to update the surgical principles and techniques they constantly apply.
We, as Urohealth Clinic, follow technological changes closely and aim to bring technological devices to our country, which we have confirmed with scientific data, that they will be efficient, safe and more comfortable for patients in the field of urology. These technological tools naturally change our surgical techniques a lot in favor of the patients. It is very important for our colleagues to have rapid access to new surgical techniques and information. At work; Urohealth Academy was established to meet the need for continuous education with high quality and efficiency.
The main purpose of the Urohealth Academy is; is to bring our colleagues together with the most efficient and necessary information in the fastest way. For this purpose, it is ensured that our colleagues are more beneficial to their patients by providing short or long-term trainings and reinforcing this theoretical and practical knowledge with live surgeries.
Urohealth Academy is always pleased to welcome urologists from all over the world.
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